Here is the cover for the third Superego, Superego: Betrayal, once again made by Allison Barrows and Romas Kukalis.
Ooh. Mysterious. You have Rico and… well, if you’ve read Superego: Fathom, maybe you can guess who the other person is.
Anyway, there’s still some work to be done, but hopefully, you’ll be getting your copy of Superego: Betrayal soon. It’s a bit more complex than the previous, but I think everyone will love it. Make sure you’re caught up on the first two.
I also want to announce I’ve finished the first draft on the sequel to Hellbender. I’ve jam-packed a lot of crazy in there, and am excited to get that one out as well — though there’s still a bit of work before that one is even ready for beta readers.
And as I like to do between novel drafts, I’m going to write a short story just for fun. Look for that in my next Substack post.
Later. Lots of other writing to do…
Now I want to know why no one has ever thought of DNA Helix sunglasses.