Important Political Commentary
I don't like to talk politics, but I think it's time I start
I try to avoid the subject of politics, as it’s a very divisive issue, but I’ve decided it’s time to finally speak up. There’s just too much events happening — important events — and I can’t stay silent anymore.
So I’m just going to put this right out there and not care how many toes it steps on: I’m against politics.
Don’t care for it. I think it’s bad.
Here we are, just the average Joe (sometimes other names), trying to get by, and then what happens? Politics. And it’s never helpful; it just gets in our way.
And who is responsible for all these politics? The politicians. We sent them to Washington because we wanted solutions. But we didn’t get solutions. Instead, we got politics. Maybe part of that was our fault for electing politicians. If we wanted solutions, instead of politics, we should have elected solutiticians. But that might be a made-up word and not something that actually exists. So maybe it isn’t our fault.
But no matter the reason, the politics is there and it is bad. Just dividing everybody and making arguments. And nothing gets done — which is okay if the things they were going to do was bad, but it’s terrible when good things need to be done. And again, this is all because of the politics.
So how do we solve politics? It’s a good question. Or at least, it is a question. I mean, it has that curly thing with the dot at the end, which means question. As for the answer to that question, have we tried saying to politicians, “Hey, stop it with all the politics!”? I’m not saying that will work — I just honestly don’t know if anyone has tried it, and maybe it is as simple as that. It would only take a second, so I we might as well give it a go.
I suspect, though, stopping politics will be harder than that. In fact, we might need a strict law banning politics. That will be tricky to pass, since politicians pass laws and they like politics. Actually, that sounds completely impossible. Forget I said anything.
Oh, but I have another idea. We’ll need a large box, five badgers, some mops — no. Wait. That won’t work either now that I think more on it.
Sorry, but I thought of every possible idea (all three), and there seems to be no solution (then again, I’m not a solutitician). I guess we’ll just have to live with politics. Just keep a few feet away from it and try not to get any on you. It’s all we can do.
Talk to me more about the badgers. Let's not write this idea off just yet.
I don't know, you used to be able to talk politics with the neighbors, back in the day. I just think politics has gotten cranky in its old age.