Who would like a sequel to Sidequest?
Sure, we all would, but I kind of wrote it to be a stand-alone story and don’t have any current plans for a sequel and have a bunch of other novels to write in the queue (mainly finishing up the Superego series and writing more Hellbenders).
Still, since I have this Substack now and am trying to have a more “let’s just have fun with this” attitude, I wrote up a Sidequest short story in between novels I’m working on. And I’m just going to put it for free here in my Substack, so if you’re getting this, you’ll get the story. I don’t know when I’ll have it out — it still has to be edited and I got other novel priorities to handle and stuff I get paid for will always get priority over the free stuff.
BTW, you understand how this works? I put free stuff here and then you buy my novels to give me money. Just making sure everyone knows that.
Anyway, the short story takes place after the novel, and thus I highly recommend reading Sidequest first. So get to it if for some strange reason you haven’t done that.
Call for Beta Readers for Superego 3 Coming Soon
I’m doing some finishing touches on the next Superego — Superego: Betrayal — and will be sending out a call for beta readers very very soon. If you’re interested, just make sure you’re subscribed to this Substack because you’ll respond by replying to the email. I’m very excited for more people to see this story because, well, a lot happens in it.
The Best of The Babylon Bee
It’s time for more of The Babylon Bee that was written by me, the world’s greatest writer!
Republicans Propose Cheaper 'Medicare For Al'
Oh, come on. How did this flop? It’s the funniest thing ever, you idiots!
Dick Cheney Invites Trump On Reconciliatory Hunting Trip
I love the surprise ending to this. Heh. The butt.
This doesn’t describe anyone I know.
Whimsical Father Pretends To Mishear Son Saying His Name Is 'Hungry', Spreading Good Cheer To All
Just a personal favorite. “Oh ho ho, father! Well met!”
I’ve always thought of Superego as a “brilliant experiment” that succeeded. So of course, I’m going to vote for more, though I don’t know how you can keep it up! I guess that’s a great reason to buy your books and give you money! Gotta love the free market.
I bought all your books and will take anything you want to put out. If forced to rank them (to approximate what I hope you're working on at any given moment), I'd say Hellbender was what I'm looking forward to most--it's refreshingly snappy, like the perfect drink on a hot day. Superego is probably second; it feels like a AAA title and the series most likely appealing to the widest audience. I want more, but slightly less than Hellbender. As for Sidequest, I really thoroughly enjoyed it, and to some extent it felt the most geared towards me (as a dude of a certain age and the kind of person who loves RPG games and happily watched all the cartoon Dungeons and Dragons episodes as they came out once upon a Saturday morning in the `80s--I *still* want one of those bows!) But it's tougher to recommend to friends because I feel like it's more taste-specific (i.e., nerdy). But again, I love it. I would hope putting out a short story for free would be a risk-free introduction for new potential fans. But if I were your marketing director, I'd say put Superego (2015) out for free or reduced (like $2), and see if you can't get people hooked like the button-pushing crack monkey I have become. In any case, I hope your novels are profitable because I love them and (like Billy Idol) want, more, more, more!