I know a lot of you are still busy reading Superego: Betrayal, but Hellbender 2 is ready for beta readers! I need some cool dudes to give it a read and tell me what they think overall (I don’t care about typos at this stage — which are going to be numerous as I’m the only one who has proofed it at this point). If you’re interested, just reply to this email saying so.
For anyone who is a beta reader, all I ask is that when the novel comes out in its final form, you go ahead and do an Amazon review.
Also, as something new, I will be later posting the entire beta version of the novel to all paid subscribers of this Substack to anyone who is curious to see the early version. Still, if you’re a paid subscriber who would like to give me beta feedback, make sure to reply to this email saying so.
Yay! I’m excited people are finally going to get to read this. If you’ve read the first Hellbender, you know what to expect: a lot of craziness. This is the novel where I let loose with the humor. But kind of like how when I try to write serious like Superego, I put a lot of humor in it, when I try to write silly I end up spending a lot of time on the plot and character development. This is the first novel where I intended to have sequels, so I’m doing a bit of world-developing meant to unfold over multiple novels.
Anyway, if you want to be a beta reader, again, please just reply to this email. Thanks!
Hi Frank - I signed up late, can I still get on the beta reader list?
I'm in, Frank