Who Is Andrew Tate? (Illustrated)
His name keeps popping up on the interwebs, but who is he?
Andrew Tate. If you’re like me, you don’t have much idea who he is. Online, you occasionally catch a glimpse of his masculinity blackface act but don’t really understand why he exists and why we’ve heard of him.
Well, I’m going to help us all out and do some research and tell you all you need to know about this enigmatic individual,
He was born Andrewina Tate-ette.
He overcame an early setback where he lost all his money to a tricksy squirrel.
During his lowest point, his only friend was a gold ring he found.
He was for a time a champion kickboxer.
Had early success as a member of the Lollipop Guild.
He later moved to Romania where he solved mysteries with his pet dog.
He converted to Islam.

He’s straight.
He’s become a popular voice in conservative media, especially among those with severe head trauma.
There you go. Now you know who Andrew Tate is and why he’s so popular. What you can do with that information… I don’t know.
Andrew Tate stole my idea of forming a club for people who wear buckles with no belt. Dang it! I was going to name it Burer Cahven.
Severe head trauma is certainly one way to describe people who have advanced cranial-rectal insertion.