" Interestingly, Illinois, which is high on the murder rate, is very low on suicide."

Curious where you got that chart-- A little "sleight of hand" there. Look at the chart-- the color for the lowest suicide rate and "Suppressed Value" are like the same. And notice how the pearly white states are the deepest blue. Surely nothing they're hiding there...

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This looks like the data: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/suicide-mortality/suicide.htm

All other reports I can find reference the CDC data.

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Good reminder, Frank. I'd forgotten about the sleight of hand in the "gun death" argument. Personally, I like to think of pro-control arguments as pro-insanity speechifying. Arguing for "same only more" here in Chicago has delivered wonderfully crazy results. We have more laws, regulations, and restrictions than ever. And we're killing more than ever too.

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