It’s Independence Day, and I think it’s a great day to reflect on why we loved the U.S.A. So I want you all to dig deep and tell me one thing you love about this country.
I love American cheese. it’s disgusting by itself — this weird processed thing that probably shouldn’t even be called cheese. But melted on a cheeseburger… nothing better.
The best thing about America is that Americans have this attitude that they are free to do and say whatever they like, and no government or corporation or jerk can tell them otherwise. It reveals a fundamental belief that human beings are supposed to be liberated and able to pursue their own lives because that's right, those are *our* rights.
The beautiful land and its variety. The precepts of its founding. The right to whine and complain for whatever reason. 🤠
The open road and freedom to just ... go.
I love valuing both individual liberty and personal responsibility.
Catch THAT fever!
The best thing about America is that Americans have this attitude that they are free to do and say whatever they like, and no government or corporation or jerk can tell them otherwise. It reveals a fundamental belief that human beings are supposed to be liberated and able to pursue their own lives because that's right, those are *our* rights.
No where else (at least I'm aware of) you can get Skyline chili. Best chili ever.
Always had a soft spot for reading the Declaration on Independence Day. Bunch of smart, plucky guys back then.
Moxie Soda. It's regional to the Northeast, and I live in Jacksonville, FL, so I have to source mine from Amazon or Cracker Barrel. I love it.
High five for American cheese! Also boxed macaroni and cheese! And American pizza and Tex-Mex. Yeehaw!
Also ham and bacon. Which are good in or on all the above-mentioned foods. 😁