"staring at the fried cod and thinking how he once had conversed with it" LOL

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Huh. I was always taught that inflation was an increasingly tenuous rescuing device for the Big Bang theory, and that a lot of lab rats had to be sacrificed with ceremonial knives to create it. Also that politicians were so concerned about the universe expanding too fast that the Inflation Reduction Act was aimed at stopping the exponential expansion-- again with lots of money for lab rats and ceremonial knives. You're so smart, Frank.

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TIL. I always that fiat currency was backed by those guys that make crappy Italian cars that break down a lot, and that’s why we have so much trouble with the financial system not working half the time. But it makes way more sense that is money backed by good feelings. Definitely glad I subscribe to this news publication.

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Well of course inflation would taste salty after hanging out in the pacific ocean giving aquaman an atomic wedgie

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