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"Jack Puncher" kinda sounds like "Jack Reacher", but that Tom Cruise guy is actually known for being pretty short, so you couldn't have based it on him. I believe you, Frank!

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Brilliant and with not even a whiff of plagiarism. Coulda come from a Harvard Prof.

So are you working on an acceptance speech for the Oscars or the Emmys?

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Someone should make this into a movie or a TV show on Amazon Prime or something

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I think it will be a hit.

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He Reacher(ed) out, Just wanting to be left alone (Rambo). However, the orphan beating (Die Hard) villain found himself being beaten to death, he went on and on about it (King Lear, Richard IV, etc.) until Puncher (Rocky) wandered off.

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I find watching Jack Puncher somewhat better than watching The Crockford Files, where Jim Crockford pretty much got the hell beat out of him every episode. Even his semi-sidekick (is that even a thing? And if so, does Smuggy Bear count?) Angel would watch and wince and say, "Ooooh, Crockford. that really looks like it smarts!!" while not helping at all. (I think that's part of what makes him a semi-sidekick -- he's a total coward who would sell out Crockford for a used McDonald's napkin.)

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